All About This Kinder Teacher

Eeek!  I'm super excited to join this linky party to get to know other Kinder Teachers out there!  I'm completely new to the blogging world, instagram, and please forgive my bare bones blog...and possibly my lack of techy skills when it comes to "linking up" and all that!!  I'm going to use the excuse of "mommy brain" and say that having an almost 3 year old has made me a little less tech savy then I used to be :)  Anyway...please click the button below to check out kindertribe and join the linky party!!! If I can figure out how to do definitely can! I'm so excited to get to know you all!

I was fortunate enough to start my teaching career in Kindergarten.  I took over a kinder classroom for a FABULOUS teacher named Jan'nette Torrance during my first year teaching.  SHE IS AMAZING and is now teaching in Arkansas.  I owe so much to her and that is why I'm so excited to be connecting with all of you!!  I believe there isn't ever a time when a teacher "knows it all" and doesn't have room to grow!!  Two years ago, I took time off to stay at home with my baby girl and this past school year was my first year back teaching full time.  Right before I had my daughter, I had been teaching first grade for 3 years and even though I loved that grade ... there is just something so special about kinder!  I'm glad to be back in kinderland :)

Ever since starting my priorities have definitely changed.  I still love teaching but I couldn't imagine going a day without seeing my husband or daughter.  AND...I GOTTA HAVE MY TRADER JOE'S FIX EVERY WEEK!  I LOOOOVE THAT PLACE!!!  And I may be guilty of buying treats for my students there every week too!  

As for school supplies...I honestly love them all!  It might sound lame but there's nothing I love more than going down the school supplies aisle :)  BUT the magic eraser is amazing and will seriously erase just about any mark that our darling kinders leave behind on the desks...chairs...floors...even on the promethean/smart boards!!!   

I think I love books just about as much as I love bags and shoes...which explains why it took me much longer to buy a house than it did to build a massive classroom library.  I always say I spent what should have been my down payment on a house on my library!  But it is so worth it when I see my kids immersed in books!  And seriously...if you need a good read aloud...just email me and ask me...I'll probably know a good title!  It's a little sad but true...just look at my answer above...I obviously couldn't name just one book. 

As for the blogs...I really can't name just one.  I love reading everyone's blogs and learning from you all.  Everyone has such amazing ideas, tips, tricks, advice, etc.  I hope that even with my bare bones blog I'll be able to contribute as well.  I'm still debating on spending the money to get a blog design but honestly...that will have to daughter's bday is coming up and if I have to choose between a cute blog design or my already know what the choice will be! :)  

And as for kindergarten....I think I fell in love with this grade when I was student teaching and a little boy came up to me with a gift in his hand and said, "Miss Bondoc...this is for you...It's a diarrhea (diary)!!!"  Classic!!!  Each day in Kinder is always fun...whether its an adventure or misadventure...there is never a dull moment and I love it!  Thank goodness for our kinders!  AND THANK GOODNESS FOR OUR KINDER TEACHERS!  Thanks for taking the time to get to know me!


  1. How did I not think of magic erasers! I love them! They are a staple at home and in the classroom!

    Good luck learning all the techy business of a blog. You tube has helped me discover lots about my blogging!

  2. Yay!!!! I am so happy you took the plunge into the techy world!! The Kinder Tribe is lucky and excited to have you!!! I definitely need to invest in some of the Magic Erasers before school starts!!! Thank you for joining the linky and keep posting, I'll be waiting to read more!!!!!

  3. Magic erasers are life savers!! I am so glad you have joined the techy world! Thank you so much for linking up and tell us all about you!!

  4. Cherry your student teaching story made me laugh so loud I scary my poor seeping fur baby! I love the things that kiders say, especially when they mean something else! I think every kinder teacher could write a book with quotes from our kiddos and it would sell for sure!
    You blog is CUTE!!! Great job!! I cannot wait to collaborate with your and hear all about your teaching experience!!
    It’s Kinder Time
