Back To School and Overwhelmed Already! :)

Every June I seem to end the year completely drained and ready to forget all things related to school!  And then about one week into summer break and I'm already thinking of how I can make things more...and basically be the "super hero teacher" I've always wanted to be but never quite get it right.

It's funny isn't it?  How no matter how hard we work and or how much we sacrifice we always feel like it's never enough?!

I had a goal to really invest in my blog, social media, and TpT store and I'm finding it all a little bit overwhelming.  Are any of you in the same boat?

Come Friday...all I want to do is spend time with my daughter and husband and midnight...I find myself sneaking away to FINALLY make a new blog post!!!

I'm sorry I don't have any cool pictures of what I've been doing the last two weeks but I promise I'll have something up by the end of the month!

For now, I hope you all are surviving these first couple of months back at school.  Especially all of my kindertribe!  These first two months are brutal aren't they?  Well...who am I isn't until January that Kinders start to get in the groove...but boy is it worth it! is a little freebie for you all!  I revamped my color survey I've used for years and wanted to share it with all of you!  I also have a free RED resource at my tpt store if you need something new for your color unit!

Take care all of my fellow awesome and exhausted teachers out there!   Let's enjoy this much needed weekend!

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